Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Could Have Been Asked To Be John McCain’s VP

Remember when I said I could have been Obama’s running mate? Well, dog-gone, as it turns out, since I wasn’t asked, I checked and I could have been McCain’s running mate as well.

McCain selected someone younger than he is. That wasn’t too hard. Less than 10% of Americans today are his age or older and I am younger than he is.

McCain’s running mate is not living in the same state in which she was born. Me neither.

The GOP VP nominee can handle a rifle. When I was in the Air National Guard (I showed up at for all the required training and have the paperwork to prove it) I won a Marksman ribbon using an M-16. Now granted, I never shot at Bambi, but I’ll bet you if a moose got in my face and it was me or him, I could shoot it.

This same nominee showed leadership skills at an early age, being in the PTA, Mayor of a small town and now a Governor of a not too densely populated state. She wanted to be in front of a camera on the news and thought she would do well in journalism. As it turns out she did not do all that well in school though. Well, I was in a lot of youth organizations, becoming President of one. I was in the Jaycees and was elected as a Chapter President. I have been interviewed on TV (when I was a lot younger), thought of journalism as a college major (I like to write or I would not be writing this, would I), and I did not do too well in school, neither. As for being the head of some state, I find myself in the state of confusion much of the time so she may have me there.

McCain picked someone to be VP that apparently does not know where a lot of other countries are, the names of their leaders and has not traveled much outside the United States. She also apparently does not like to be interviewed about all this. Same here, across the board. I haven’t got a clue how to spell the names of some world leaders and just got my own passport within the past couple of years. Two birds of a feather.

Sarah Palin said she can be really sarcastic, cynical and difficult to deal with. Just ask my family about that.

Sadly, we do have some major differences. Well, not exactly sadly. I am a man and obviously McCain was looking for someone to offset the Hillary thing. Like a right wing conservative woman. I came that close.

But here’s the thing. There is talk about the fact Joe Biden won’t be able to go after Sarah Palin too hard because it would make him look like a guy beating up on a weaker person, Sarah being a woman and all. How about this. What if the Panther of Pant Suits Hillary Clinton was dispatched by the Democratic Party to go after the Pit Bull with lipstick? That would look like a fair fight, right? For about 10 minutes…..and for that I am grateful I am not McCain’s pick because I could not hold a candle to either Obama or Biden. They are smarter, better educated and know a lot more about the world than I do.

People like Sarah Palin because they say “she’s just like me”. I could be like that too. However I remember that George W. Bush was liked once by these same people that also believed they could sit down and have a beer with him. Well, not a beer, coffee perhaps.

But getting back to being Vice President, I think I would like someone smarter than me….a lot smarter than me. Maybe pretty soon we’ll get to see someone in the media actually interview Mrs. Palin and find out just what she believes in, besides trying to ban books from her town library she did not believe appropriate, allegedly firing a state employee in Alaska for not firing her ex-brother-in-law, believing that teaching abstinence will prevent unwanted pregnancy (whoops), thinking that drilling the hell out of Alaska won’t harm its environment and will somehow make an immediate difference in the price of gas, and that being a Harvard Graduate and President of the Harvard Law Review but skipping a high paying job with a large law firm in favor of working with the less fortunate in poor neighborhoods makes you an elitist.

Can you hear Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, as Col. Nathan R. Jessep, barking at the media “You want answers? You want answers?”. The media, “We want the truth.” Jessep, “You can’t handle the truth!” Perhaps not. But we need to ask anyway.