On August 4, 2008 I began scribbling thoughts on something called a Blog. I was not on Facebook back then and thought I may have found a way to occasionally write a note about something on my mind, something odd or funny or, to be candid, to rant. What followed surprised me.
My Blog, Uncommon Sense, took over my life. In that month alone, in looking back, I wrote 25 times – almost as if I had a daily responsibility to write an article for a local newspaper. Obviously, I had a lot on my mind, almost every day.
What is a bigger surprise to me is, in looking back at what I wrote two years ago, I don’t actually remember doing the writing – this is almost like having an out of body experience and discovering who I am, or at least who I was.
Someone recently told me people don’t change but their behavior can. I am not sure where any new writings would take me if I hit the start button again. While I still have a lot going on in my head on a daily basis, I am unsure if I would have an audience for anything I may wish to address.
In thinking about writing again, I am making Uncommon Sense open to the those I am friends with on FB. There is a way to link Uncommon Sense to FB using Notes but even though I have set it up, I am having second thoughts. You can get to my Blog using the following link: http://jrtreehouse.blogspot.com/. There are 32 posts covering a fairly short period of time waiting to be rediscovered.
I am traveling to the greater Pittsburgh area today for a few days of fun and frolic in an effort to make a living so I doubt I will have much to say due my travel today, tonight’s game between the Rays and Rangers, and my assignments while in Pittsburgh.
I would, however, find it useful if some or any of my friends on FB, the ones who have told me they read all my posts, would let me know if anything I wrote two years ago hits home and whether you would like to see more of what kinds of things rattle around inside my head…