I think it was George Carlin who first asked, why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways. Good question. Bill Cosby asked, why is there air. Another great question. My life is full of questions and amusements when I read newspaper headlines, like today in the Tampa Tribune that stated Tropical Storm Eyes Texas. Huh? The storm is alive and has eyes? Actually, a hurricane has an eye. But we don’t call it a Cyclops. We can call it a cyclone, which is an area of low atmospheric pressure characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. What? So a cyclone can be a hurricane but a cyclone may not be a hurricane and even though they both have an eye, neither has a brain. I still can’t figure out why we call men’s slacks a pair of pants.
I should probably explain that I have started blogging due to the insistence of a family member, who shall not be identified due to the embarrassment it may cause her, but, I was misled. Cell phones that can send and receive e-mail, have calculators, take photos, videos, and provide entertainment don’t necessarily provide clear communication and I, at first, thought she was suggesting getting involved in Texas dancing (clogging)…no, but then it sounded more fun when she repeated her suggestion – I like seeing people get whipped in movies – no, blogging does not start with an F.
I need to explain up front I believe everything that happens is a function of two things, timing and circumstance. And, because we are losing our best social cynics faster than the government continues to spend money and lie about where it is going, I felt some obligation to add my two cents, which today buys nothing. My father could by a drink with two cents when he was growing up. Boy, would he be shocked to see what has happened to and within this great country of ours in the past several years. Nothing that was, is. My concern is everything that what is, is not.
So, tighten your seatbelt. I have no idea where we are going but if you are still reading this you probably also read labels and the latest government warnings that continue to change every month and wonder what you should believe. More importantly, you probably wonder whom to believe and whom should you trust. The X Files had it right…trust no one. More to follow…